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A growing collection of insights and examples of cognitive psychology relevant to marketing




Cognitive Relief

Say the colour of the ink from left to right in Row 1, then Row 2, then Row 3 …

MarketingFutures - StroopTest1

Again, say the colour of the ink from left to right in Row 1, then Row 2, then Row 3 …

MarketingFutures - StroopTest2

Once again, say the colour of the ink from left to right in Row 1, then Row 2, then Row 3 …

MarketingFutures - StroopTest3

Now watch this video …

No doubt the third task of the above Stroop Test was the most difficult for you to do, and given that humans most enjoy what they’re good at, the third task was no doubt the least enjoyable.

When consumers are faced with conflicting external/internal influences that confuse or restrict them (such as the Cognitive Strain imposed by the third Stroop task) imagine how your advertisement or promotion, or the actual product or service offering itself can make the consumer’s experience more like the second or the first task.

The big challenge lies in understanding the relevant and most updated facts about human capabilities of perception, thought, information processing, biases and tendencies – human cognition – from the outset before any plan takes shape.

Behavioural antecedents (prompts, cues, events, triggers) are the playground of cognitive creativity. There are four types of antecedents which are relevant here – emotional state, thoughts, environment and social relationships.

The brain’s pre-frontal cortex and hippocampus are affected in the same way in any conflict monitoring/resolution task. Consumers desire the least amount of this type of mental exertion as possible.

The question is how, when and where the product or service can appear in a way that inspires new behaviour, or by setting alternate perception/attitude adjustment that best facilitates new behaviour. Or most ideally, both.

A perfect storm of cognitive insights all pointing to a particular type of creative solution is what fuels the effective behaviour change which can then be designed.

Such is the power and viral contagiousness of Cognitive Relief.


Proof of why children are worth following

Playing video games for long periods improves eye sight – TRUE or FALSE ?
Video games lead to attention-related problems – TRUE or FALSE?

Find out these answers and more …


Getting closer to the (actual) truth

Arguably the best TED Talk ever delivered which was banned…


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